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About Lisa Ann

Hi!  I'm Lisa Ann.  I'm a happily married wife of 31 years and a mother of 6 children. 

All 6 children have been home-educated, but before I had children I was a teacher in both Public and Private schools.  I also worked as an Outdoor Education Specialist at a National Wildlife Refuge, and as an Ornithologist for my local Forestry Commission. I also did contract work for a private timber company, creating wildlife management plans for landowners.  My college degree is in Environmental Biology.
I have been a "stay-at-home" mom, or as the Bible calls it, a "keeper at home" and a "guide [of] the house" for 23 years.

I have been a reader of the Bible since age 6 when I received my first Gideon's New Testament in First Grade. 

Yes, I read it through.
I was not brought up in church, and the few things that I learned about God in my childhood were all wrong!
I received another Gideon's New Testament during my 3rd year of college, and I read it through again.
Between First Grade and College, I visited a few churches here and there and continued to read the Bible.  I even joined a Baptist church at age 16 by walking down the aisle and getting water baptized.  I was mostly ignorant and confused about God's word, and I was not saved.  I had never heard that Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, came to the earth in the flesh for the purpose of dying for MY SINS.  I finally heard this "good news", this gospel, in 1998, and I trusted in what Christ had done for me, and I was saved.
I have continued to be a reader of the Bible.  I study it daily.  Through careful study of His word I have come to know the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, who is God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.  I have come to love the word of God, as Job says, more than my necessary food.

I hope that this Blog will be a blessing to you.  That as we study through the Bible together, we may increase in our knowledge of HIM!

Watch this introductory video and Follow me on YouTube:



  1. Hi Lisa Ann, this is Bonita, remember me? I know that I have been MIA for a while but where has all of your content gone? I'm concerned!


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