HELLO, and Welcome to the Women's Weekly Bible Challenge! I'm Lisa Ann. I invite you to join me each week as I study through the Scriptures to find out EVERYTHING that the Bible has to say about WOMEN... Yes, I do mean everything: Every reference; every woman; every tiny, superficial detail and every tremendous, deep truth that the Bible has to show us about Women. CURIOUS? Great! The topic of Women in the Bible is not often covered from the pulpit. It is such a specific topic that at least half the congregation would not find it at all interesting. But I know you will be interested to discover some of the deep truths waiting to be brought to light as we study Women in Scripture. Here are some of the upcoming studies I have planned for you: Women Teaching : A look at every verse in the Bible that refers to women teaching. A Bible ...
Hello and welcome to THE PRUDENT WOMAN RETREAT 2023. My name is Lisa Ann Spencer. In January of 2023 I was invited for a 2 nd time to participate in the Prudent Woman Retreat. This is an online interactive retreat that features several speakers over the course of two days. This year’s theme was REST. I am always thankful to have an opportunity to share the word of God with women. I study the Bible doctrinally and dispensationally, rather than by life application only. It’s not that I am against life-application, but I know it is important to first understand the doctrine of a passage before making application to ourselves. By using the retreat theme of “REST”, I am going to demonstrate for you how I study the scriptures in order to get a solid, biblical understanding of all that the Bible has to say about the topic of REST. USING A CONCORDANCE There was a time when carrying around this huge and heavy book, Strong's Exhaustive Concordanc...