Hello and Welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Today is the final session, Part 9, of this series titled, When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women . We will finish our study of all the women in the book of Acts. REVIEW Our last lesson in Acts chapter 19 was a separate study on “Goddess, Devils & Evil Spirits” to show that Diana was the same goddess found in the Old Testament. You can find that study by clicking here: Shortly after the uproar concerning Diana, the Apostle Paul departed Ephesus with the intent of arriving in JERUSALEM for the day of Pentecost. Keep in mind that this is many years, perhaps two decades, after the first notable day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit came down upon the children of Israel. Much had changed since then. The nation of Israel had fallen from their exalted position as God’s chosen nation, and they were brought low like the Gentile nations. Romans 11:32...