Hello and Welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Today, which should be Part 8 of our study, When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women , we are going to deviate from the plan. Since we are in the book of Acts, chapter 19, and the next woman we encounter is the false goddess, Diana , I thought I would take one lesson to discuss evil spirits, goddesses and devils. In today’s lesson we will cross-reference to discover all that we can about this supposed goddess from Jupiter. We begin our account with the Apostle Paul in the city of Ephesus. CLICK HERE TO READ ACTS 19:8-10 Paul taught in the synagogue for three months, until many of them were hardened, would not believe his message and spoke evil of it. So he moved to a school and continued to teach for 2 years, so that “ALL THEY WHICH DWELT IN ASIA” heard the word of the Lord Jesus. 📔 Note: Asia in the Bible is Asia Minor, which is modern day Turkey. Read Acts 19:11-2...