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Showing posts from September, 2022

Part 5 - When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women

Welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Today is Part 5 of our study, When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women . Let’s do a QUICK REVIEW of last week. Paul was saved in ACTS 9 apart from the gospel of the Kingdom that the 12 Apostles were preaching.   Paul’s salvation is unique, and it is the PATTERN for everyone that is saved today.   In ACTS 10 -11 , God sent Peter to a devout Gentile’s house, Cornelius, who was saved and received the Holy Ghost.   The believing Jews were ASTONISHED that a Gentile was saved in this manner because they knew that ISRAEL, according to PROPHECY, should first be saved before the Gentiles would be blessed.   In ACTS 12 , Peter and James (the brother of John) are put in prison:   James is murdered, but God saves Peter.   Many years later, as recorded in Acts chapter 15, Peter gives testimony of God pouring out the Holy Spirt on the Gentiles in Cornelius’s house.   Paul is acknowledged ...

Part 4 - When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women

Welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Today is part 4 of the study, When the Holy Spirit Speaks to Women , but presently we are carefully considering the book of Acts and the changes that are taking place, which helps us understand the transition from the Apostle Peter’s ministry regarding Israel’s Earthly Kingdom, to the ministry of the Apostle Paul regarding the Body of Christ and the Heavenly Kingdom. REVIEW We saw that trouble began with Ananias and Sapphira, who did not have faith that God would do what He promised. Next, we had the Grecian Jews murmuring because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration of food; and thirdly the Grecian Jews stirred up the leadership of Israel in Jerusalem, and they murdered Stephen, the evangelist, who was filled with the Holy Ghost.  We saw that the Jews scattered outside of Jerusalem, excepting the 12 Apostles who remained.  Those that were scattered preached to none but the Jews only. W...