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Showing posts from April, 2022

When Jesus Speaks to Women - Part 8

Hello and welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Last week we left off our study, When Jesus Speaks to Women , in John chapter 4 .   I hope you were able to spend some time studying that chapter for yourself.   Like Jacob’s well, this passage is DEEP and it will require an entire lesson to cover it. Click here to read John 4:4-9 V. 9 Two questions should arise. Q:  How did the Samaritan woman know Jesus was a Jew? A:   It is possible that she could discern that He was a Jew by his speech and possibly by his dress .   Peter was known to be a Galilean by his speech ( Matthew 26:73 ), and Galilee is populated by Jews, not Samaritans.   Q: Why do the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans? A: When northern Israel was carried away into captivity by the Assyrians ( 2 Kings 17 ), the cities of Samaria were populated by Babylonians and other foreigners who brought with them their pagan gods. Q:  Who are the “...