Welcome to the Women’s Weekly Bible Challenge! I’m Lisa Ann Spencer. Today’s study is the conclusion of the two-part series on Barrenness. We will consider what the Apostle Paul writes about Barrenness , but first we will review the Challenge Homework. If you took the Challenge last week, you may have discovered WHY God abruptly changed the dispensation from Israel to the Gentiles. Acts chapter 7 is a critical pivot point in Israel’s history! The nation of Israel’s early history began when God called Abraham out of all people on the earth to make him a great nation ( Genesis 12:2 ). The majority of the Old Testament is about ISRAEL. They were a special people to God for 4,000 years. They entered a covenant relationship with God at Mount Sinai with the giving of the Law, which included blessings and curses. Where were the Gentiles? God gave the Gentiles up as we are told in Romans 1:24-26 . Gentiles were given up to uncleanness, to our own lusts,...